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To capture the advantages of SPE disk in extraction speed and overcome its disadvantages in solvent consumption and automation, PromoChrom developed a suite of Mini-disks. The Mini-disks come in a format size similar to a 30-mm syringe filter and a cross section area 5 times of a 6-mL SPE cartridge. The increased cross section area and optimized sorbent properties enables the Mini-disks to work with much higher flow rates than SPE cartridges, whereas a smaller size than conventional disks makes the Mini-disks easily adaptable to cartridge type SPE instruments and consume less solvents. 

Application Note

 Mini-disk: A balance between cartridges and disks for solid phase extraction 

Automated Extraction of TCLP Semi-Volatiles Using Mini-disk Targeting Basic/Neutral/Acidic Compounds

mini disk
mini disk

Special Features

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Time Saving

By allowing much higher flow rates than SPE cartridges, extraction time can be significantly reduced.

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System Compatibility

The diameter of the Mini-disk measures only 30mm and is packaged to fit standard luer slip connections, making it suitable for cartridge-based automated SPE systems and vacuum manifolds.

Narrow Particle-size Distribution

The sorbent material for the Mini-disks are made up of 25-um spherical beads with very narrow size distribution. This smaller bead size increases sample capacity while the uniform distribution offers lower resistance to liquid passing through the disk.

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Clog Resistance

Our Anti-clogging frit technology is also applied to the Mini-disk for further tolerance to particulates from sample matrices.  

50-mm SPE Disks


Part No.
Packed with 25-um spherical mixed-mode polymer. 50 Mini-disks per box.
For simultaneous extraction of basic, neutral and acidic compounds.
Packed with 25-um spherical mixed-mode polymer. 50 Mini-disks per box.
For extraction of hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds.
Packed with C18 bonded 25-um spherical silica. 50 Mini-disks per box.
For extraction of hydrophobic compounds
Part No.
Packed with 25-um spherical mixed-mode polymer. 50 Mini-disks per box.
For simultaneous extraction of basic, neutral and acidic compounds.
Packed with 25-um spherical mixed-mode polymer. 50 Mini-disks per box.
For extraction of hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds.
Packed with C18 bonded 25-um spherical silica. 50 Mini-disks per box.
For extraction of hydrophobic compounds

50-mm SPE Disks

PromoChrom’s 50-mm disks can be used for extraction of large volume water samples with high amounts of particles. They use the same design and sorbents as the mini disks. Both vacuum manifold and SPE-03 system can be used.  A very efficient approach is to use the SPE-03 for conditioning and fraction collection and a vacuum manifold for fast sample loading.  A 1-liter sample can pass through the disk within 5 minutes under strong vacuum.

AQUARIS™ SPE cartridges
AQUARIS™ SPE cartridges
Automated Extraction of TCLP Semi-Volatiles Using Mini-disk Targeting Basic/Neutral/Acidic Compounds

SPE-03 for conditioning and collection. No modification to the instrument is needed.

50mm SPE Disks C18
50-mm SPE Disks
Clamps for fixing mini disk
Clamps for Fixing Mini Disks
Teflon tubing with connector for SPE dis
Teflon Tubing with Connector
Part No.
C18 50-mm disk with 1000 mg 20-µm spherical silica bonded with C18 group
SDVB 50-mm disk with 1000 mg 20-µm spherical SDVB polymer
Clamps for fixing mini disk when positive pressure is applied for extraction. Not necessary when vacuum manifold is used for extraction
Teflon tubing with connector for SPE disks. 3-mm OD, 2-mm ID, and 80-cm length
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