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Protein Purification System

• High-throughput • Efficiency • Simplicity

The OttoPure is an efficient and high-throughput system for up to 40X faster than manual protein purification.

OttoPure Protein Purification System

Automated purification of 8 samples in parallel, up to 1L samples, using as many as 9 buffer solutions.


Compatible with 1mL to 70mL columns
eg. GE HiTrapTM, gravity-flow columns and standard SPE cartridges.

Positive-pressure liquid delivery ensures consistent flow rate and fixed process time for each protein purification batch. Supervision is no longer required for gravity-flow columns, all samples start and finish simultaneously. Controlled flow also allows for increased column packing capacity for even higher sample throughput.

Up to 2 fractions per sample enabling targeted automated extraction of biomolecules and method development. More fractions can be collected by programming pause steps and switching out fraction tubes.

Automated column regeneration possible depending on application.

Customizations available upon request.

For Proteins and other Biomolecules

antibodies icon


enzyme icon

Antigen and Enzyme Extraction

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Metabolite Profiling

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Oligonucleotide Purification

Highly Versatile, Scalable & Intuitive


Highly Inert and Corrosion Resistant

Compatible with biological samples, acids, bases and salts


Operates under temperatures low as

For proteins such as enzymes and antigens that require low temperature preservation

Easy Programmable Touch Interface for bioprocessing system

Easily Programmable Touch Interface

Saves up to 100 methods for automated protein purification, system cleaning and column regeneration

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Extensive Column Compatibility

with columns from 1mL to 70mL, including GE HiTrap™, gravity-flow columns, and standard SPE cartridges, supporting a wide range of affinity, ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and other applications.

Protein Purification system is compatible with GE HiTrap and gravity-flow columns
Protein Purification system with customized plates and compatible with GE HiTrap and gravity-flow columns
Protein Purification system  compatible with GE HiTrap and gravity-flow columns


  • Processes large sample volumes rapidly

  • User-friendly operation with minimal steps

  • Reliable and repeatable results

OttoPure Automated Protein Purification System

OttoPure Duo

  • Maximizes productivity by processing two columns simultaneously

  • Reduces downtime with continuous operation

  • Enhances flexibility for diverse purification needs

OttoPure Duo - Automated Protein Purification System

OttoPure Duo - Automated Dual-column Protein Purification System

Ready to discuss your protein purification requirements?

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